How do I fix the Windows blue screen errors?
Before fixing a Microsoft Microsoft Windows blue screen or blue screen of death error (BSoD) you must first identify what error it is. Since there are different blue screen errors.
Note: If you’re getting a blue screen and then your computer immediately reboots without being able to read the text in the blue screen, follow the steps below. If you’re unable to get into Windows to perform the steps below, boot the computer into Safe Mode.
1. From the desktop right-click on My Computer.
2. Click the Properties option.
3. In the System Properties window click the Advanced tab.
4. In Advanced click the Settings button under Startup and Recovery.
5. In the Startup and Recovery window uncheck the Automatically restart check box.
6. Click Ok.
Blue screen errors
Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 and later versions of Windows will have a blue screen error that’s similar to the example shown below. These error messages often contain more detailed information, and will contain information that can be searched for and found. If you’re not getting a blue screen error that looks like the below skip to the next Fatal exception section.
- Identify the blue screen by locating a line containing all capital letters with underscores instead of spaces, such as the above example, BAD_POOL_HEADER. Write this information down. If you do not see anything written in all caps with underscores like this, skip this step.
- Get either the STOP: error message at the top of the error, or in the “Technical Information:” portion of the error. For example, in the above error it’s STOP: 0x00000019 … write the first potion of this error message down.
- Finally, if technical information is shown write down the file and the address.
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